Phishing attacks involves the theft of sensitive information like username, password, details of the credit cards and the likewise through electronic communication. Of late there has been wide coverage of these fraudulent acts in different publications due to the massive rise in the number of phishing acts and also because of the sophistication that is involved in doing so.
Choose Server Free From Phishing Attacks
According to a recent report by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the recent target of these acts is the web hosting servers. This group serves as the clearinghouse of phishing activities and they had reported that the majority of these attacks were aimed at the various shared hosting services.
Steps Of Phishing
Once there is a phishing attack, the hackers upload a copy of their phishing content to the server. The next step is to update the configuration of the server and then add the same content to the different websites that share the hosting server. Thus, all the websites that avails that particular server displays these phishing pages through a custom subdirectory. Instead of attacking a particular website, the hackers prefer to infect innumerous sites that share a particular hosting server. According to a report by the APWG, the hackers first spot the weakness in the administration panels in the servers and in web applications such as WordPress.
Effect Of The Fraudulent Act
The virtual servers are at risk because of these phishing acts because an attack on the server leads to multiple domains being affected. Hackers purchase innumerous unique IP addresses and use those for malevolent purposes. Even if your site is not affected but there are chances of your IP address to be labeled because another site using the same server had been attacked. A major reason for breaking into the shared web hosting services is to use the resources for a number of other phishing attacks. Apart from this huge financial loss, loss of data, blacklist of websites and institutions and misuse of valuable information, are associated with these attacks.
Resort To Dedicated Servers
To be free of the worries regarding these phishing attacks, an efficient way is, to resort to dedicated web hosting servers. This is because if you opt for a dedicated server, you will get a unique domain name as well as one IP number dedicated for your site. A dedicated hosting server implies that you do not have to share the server with any other website and thus reduces the chances of your address being affected by the phishing act. These dedicated servers also help their clients to keep the different applications of their website functional even if there is a security breach.
Implementation Of Control Actions
APWG has reported that the registers now crack down various subdomains and effectively implement various fraud control measures that prevent the instances of phishing attacks. The web design new york recommends their clients to opt for IP addresses that are dedicated to one website and avoid the shared virtual hosting servers altogether. The web developer of the company also endorses the SSL certification to secure sensitive information as it has many benefits attached to it.
Pluses Of SSL Certification
The basic reason for the use of SSL is to ensure that the information is encrypted in a way that only the intended recipient can fathom the same. On the net, the information is passed through different devices to the destined server. If the required information is not encrypted with this certification then it can be accessed by others. The hackers are kept at bay as the information as a credit card numbers, passwords can be read only by the server that it is intended to. This certification also stands for authentication that implies that information is transferred to a trusted server and not an unscrupulous one.