GoDaddy Promo Codes can save you several dollars while you are registering domains, web hosts, bulk domain registration and transferring domain names. How To Use GoDaddy Promo Codes? Go to GoDaddy checkout page and enter the Promo Code in this area.
Before Entering Promo Code :

Price before using Promo Code : $10.87
After Entering Promo Code :

Price after using Promo Code : $9.87
GoDaddy Promo/Source Code :
Chill8 – save 10% on any order at GoDaddy
Chill9 – save $5 on any order of $30 or more at GoDaddy
Chill10 – get a new .com domain name for $7.49 at GoDaddy – works for domain renewals too!
Chill20H1 – 20% off 1 year, 2 Year and 3 Year Hosting Packages.
Chill20SSL – $12.99 Standard SSL Certificates.
HellBound Bloggers recommends GoDaddy. So far they have been great in Domain services. To get 10% off , whether it is domains, hosting or designs, use the Coupon Code WEASEL7.