Every month we encounter new domain extensions and every minute a new domain name gets registered. So many domain names now and we don’t even really remember how many of them we own. But have we ever given thought about the oldest domain names ever registered? Do you actually know which was the first domain name ever to be registered and when it was?
We have compiled a list of top 10 oldest .com domain names ever registered.
Top 10 Oldest .Com Domain Names Registered
1. symbolics.com
Date: 03/15/85
Registered To: Symbolics
2. bbn.com
Date: 04/24/85
Registered To: BBN Technologies
3. think.com
Registered To: Thinking Machines
4. mcc.com
Date: 07/11/85
Registered To: Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
5. dec.com
Date: 09/30/85
Registered To: Digital Equipment Corporation
6. northrop.com
Date: 11/07/85
Registered To: Northrop Corporation
7. xerox.com
Date: 01/09/86
Registered To: Xerox
8. sri.com
Date: 01/17/86
Registered To: SRI International
9. hp.com
Date: 03/03/86
Registered To: Hewlett-Packard
10. bellcore.com
Date: 03/05/86
Registered To: Bell Communications Research
These are the top 10 oldest .com domain names registered. I’m sure you’ll be surprised to see some domain names and also surprised that you didn’t see some domain names. Not many knew about the impact of domain names and internet those days, even I wish I could have registered some domain names right after I learned about it, but I didn’t.
My domain ajaydsouza.com was registered in late 2003. Seems like a baby in front of those domains!