5+ Common Domain Name Myths You Shouldn’t Actually Believe

Blogging is a very popular hobby, profession, passion, interest, etc., these days. Almost everyone has a blog just like they have a Facebook or Twitter profile. Talking about Blogging, they would have probably encountered the term ‘domain name’. The proverb “Little Knowledge is Dangerous” applies a lot here. We are going to see some interesting and common domain name myths.

Domain Name Myths

Common Domain Name Myths You Should Avoid

Why I decided to write this post? Few days back I saw a comment on a Facebook page, a guy was asking this question, “I saw a blog with the name I registered for my blog, how to take that blog down?” Normally people think that if they register a domain name (especially with .com extension), they actually think they own the entire thing. IT IS NOT TRUE. These are the true facts.

1. By Registering, You Don’t Actually Own The Domain.

This is one of the popular domain name myths. People think they own the domain name permanently, but the truth is, we actually borrowed or rented it for a limited time period. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the organisation responsible for the management of domain names.

2. Once Registered, You Don’t Own The Trademark As Well.

This is another very common one. People think they own the word they registered. Like if they registered example.com, then they think they own the word ‘Example’ and no one is suppose to use them. Like they own the trademark or copyright of that word itself. Just like we mentioned in the #1 point, we just got it for a time period from an organisation via domain registrars.

3. No, .Com Is Not The ‘ONLY’ Best Option.

.Com is the only good domain extension and rest are bad. Maybe I would have agreed on this before some years back. But now it is definitely a stupid thing. .com is a very popular one but we have other awesome alternatives like .net, .org, .in and now even .co. So the choices are limitless. If not .com, you can use the rest. No offense.

4. GoDaddy Doesn’t Own The Domain Names As Well.

Like some people think Google owns the Internet, some people think GoDaddy owns all the domain names. This is NOT TRUE. GoDaddy is an agent, a domain registrar, helping us to get domain names from various organisations or more commonly from The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

5. Yes, You Can Use Dashes (-).

A domain name can contain letters, numbers and also dashes. Some people think it is not possible to use dashes in a domain name. We can use it. There are many sites using it, you can take techie-buzz.com for example.

6. You Won’t Get A Website Along By Registering A Domain.

I usually get messages like “Bro I registered a domain name, why is my site not live yet?”. Because bro you need to get a server (web hosting) in order to make it live.

These are some popular and common domain name myths which you should avoid. If you have any doubts about domain names, do let us know in the comments below.

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